Saturday, May 29, 2010

• Date: 25/5/2010
• Time: 8:43_8:58 am
• Location: F 52
• Presenter: I Present
• Subject: smoking
• Slides: 11
• The English: My English was very good and clear.
• Questions: I answered it all.
• Eye contact: I was good in eye contact.
• Clear: yes
• Meaning clear: yes
Log book 2 Fahad

Time: 1:44 to 1:51 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: tire recycling
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: not bad
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Mohammed Al Zaabi

Time: 1:26 to 1:43 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: obesity
Introduction: The introduction is clear and beautiful
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable.
Eye contact: good
Slides: 15
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Saoud

Time: 12:49 to 1:06 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: crimes in Dubai
Introduction: The introduction is clear and good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable.
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Sultan

Time: 9:15 to 9:30 date: 27/5/2010
Subject: global warming
Introduction: The introduction is good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 13
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Mohsin

Time: 8:31 to 8:42 date: 27/5/2010
Subject: recycling papers.
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Salem Hassan

Time: 9:02 to 9:13 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: tire recycling
Introduction: The introduction was good and interesting
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: good
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Mohamed Saleh

Time: 12:23 to 12:35 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Hackers
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Monday, May 24, 2010

1-ensure Verb to make sure or certain. A reporter must ensure that what he writes is accurate.

2-locate Verb to identify or discover. The place or location of. You can locate any city on the map

3-partner Noun a person who shares. I started my business with my partner.

4-physical Adj Noting or pertaining to the properties of matter and energy other than those peculiar to living matter. I got into a fight and got hurt physically.

5-remove Verb take away. I removed the exhaust system from my car.

6-rely Verb put trust in. I relied on my brother to bring my laptop to the college.

7-valid Adj producing the desired result. The milk is valid for some days.

8-access Noun the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance. If I don’t want anyone to access my laptop I should put a password.

9-approximate Adj near or approaching a certain state, condition, goal, or standard. My teacher approximated my writing to band 5.

10-communicate Verb to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing, speaking, etc. The mobile phone is the best way for the people to communicate with each other.

11-error Noun a deviation from accuracy or correctness; a mistake, as in action or speech. Windows vista is better than windows XP because it solved the error.

12-goal Noun the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end. My goal in life is to help improve my country.

13-hypothesis Noun a mere assumption or guess. The scientist should test his hypothesis to see if it’s right or wrong.

14-job Noun a post of employment; full-time or part-time position. You have a lot of experience and you will get a job easily.

15-Label Noun a slip of paper. My partner likes to put a label on his file.

16-Option Noun something that may be or is chosen; choice. We have many options in our life.

17-Overall Adj from one extreme limit of a thing to the other Overall the UAE is developing in everything.

18-project Noun Something that is contemplated, devised. I have a project about creating a website.

19-series Noun a group or a number of related or similar things. In the show business the best sales are the comedy series.

20-summary Noun recapitulation. I must put a summary of my report at the end.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

• Date: 13/4/2010

• Time: 12:10-1:15 pm

• Location: F 52

• Presenters: Rashid and Salem

• Subject: Giving up smoking

• Slides: 8

• The English: was very good and clear. They did a good job. Both of them were good and confident.

• Questions: were answered most confidently.

• Eye contact: Rashid and Salem were good in eye contact
• Date: 13/4/2010

• Time: 12:10-1:15 pm

• Location: F 52

• Presenters: Saood and Mohamed Saleh

• Subject: The UAE in the past

• Slides: 7

• The English: was very good and clear. They did a good job. Both of them were good and confident.

• Questions: were answered most confidently.

• Eye contact: Saood and Mohamed Saleh were good in eye contact
• Date: 13/4/2010

• Time: 12:55_1:10 pm

• Location: F 52

• Presenters: Mohamed Rashid and Sultan

• Subject: Starting a business

• Slides: 10

• The English: was very good and clear. They did a good job. Both of them were good and confident.

• Questions: were answered most confidently.

• Eye contact: Mohamed Rashid and Sultan were good in eye contact
• Date: 13/4/2010

• Time: 12:55_1:10 pm

• Location: F 52

• Presenters: Saif and Faisal

• Subject: The UAE past and present

• Slides: 15

• The English: was very good and clear. They did a good job. Both of them were good and confident.

• Questions: were answered most confidently.

• Eye contact: Saif and Faisal were good in eye contact

Saturday, May 1, 2010

• Date: 11/4/2010

• Time: 11:23_11:33 am

• Location: F 52

• Presenters: Fahad and Mohamed Hassan

• Subject: Recycling

• Slides: 10

• The English: was very good and clear. They did a good job. Both of them were good and confident.

• Questions: were answered most confidently.

• Eye contact: Fahad and Mohamed Hassan were good in eye contact
• Date: 11/4/2010

• Time: 11:23_11:33 am

• Location: F 52

• Presenters: Abdulrahman Saif Bin Zayed and Mohsin Mohamed Al Hamid

• Subject: The UAE 1960-70
• Slides: 15

• The English: was very good and clear. We did a good job. Both of us were good and confident.

• Questions: were answered most confidently.

• Eye contact: We were good in eye contact
• Date: 11/4/2010

• Time: 10:20_10:30

• Location: F 52

• Presenters: Abdulla Masoud and Ahmed Abdulrahman.

• Subject: water consumption.

• Slides: 12

• The English: was very good and clear. They did a good job. Both of them were good and confident.

• Questions: were answered most confidently.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

• Date: 11/4/2010
• Time: 10:54_11:07 PM
• Location: F 52
• Presenters: Abdulla Khalid ( H00137908) and Al Munther (H00128002)
• Subject: Toyota
• Slides:

* Abdulla showed 10 slides and he is a good presenter; he gave some information about the company and he showed colorful slides. He also use a note paper

*Al Munther then followed up with the last five slides. He is a perfect presenter.

*They both did a good job and they had good eye contact and body language was positive.


• Date: 30/3/2010

• Time: 12:23_12:43 PM

• Location: F 52

• Presenters: Ahmed Ali (H00130910) and Hedley

• Subject: polluted cities worldwide.

• Slides:

*Ahmed showed 10 slides and he is a good presenter; he talked about 10 worldwide cities in the world.

*Hedley then followed up with 10 slides of the most polluted cities nowadays. He is a perfect presenter.

*They did a good job.

• Body language: Ahmed and Hedley are good presenters. They talked directly to the audience.

• The English was fantastic.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Aims of the meeting

The aim of the meeting was to let all group members express their opinions. We wanted to look at the question of gender integration. Is it a good idea? If so, how could we implement it? What might be the problems+ how we could overcome them?

Minutes of meeting:
(1) Date: 24/2/2010
(2) Place: F 52
(3) Time: 12:25
(4) Abdulrahman Saif Bin Zayed ( H00128332) Chairman
Mohsin Mohamed AL-Hamed (H00132268) Secretary
Mohamed Hassan AL-Hammadi (H00132994) Participant

(5) Agenda :

Is gender integration a good thing?
Good points
Bad points
If we want integration, how can we achieve it?
What might be problems?
How to overcome problems?

(6) The meeting was called to order by Abdulrahman at 12:25 pm. The first item discussed was whether gender integration is a good thing.
Abdulrahman said that boys could sit in the left and the girls in another side, although he said that girls will be shy in class. Mohsin agreed with Abdulrahman but Mohamed didn’t agree because he was studying at a school where boys and girls were mixed there and there was no problem with anybody. Mohamed Al-Hammadi said that most of the girls families will not accept the girls studying with the boys. Abdulrahman agreed with him but Mohsin didn’t agree because he said that there are private schools where they can take their girls to study there. Mohsin said that there will be contact between the boys and girls by the phone and most of the people here in the UAE will not accept the idea of boys and girls mixing with boys in the same class. Mohamed agreed with Mohsin and also Abdulrahman.
We all decided that gender integration would be a good thing. Mohsin thought it would be possible and we all agreed that there were many practical problems to be overcome.
Finally Abdulrahman asked if there was any other business. There being none, he closed the meeting at 12:45 pm.

I learnt from the meeting that I should decide what to do and what not to do in the future. I learnt that we should be in agreement and decide what the good thing is and what the bad thing to do in the meeting is.
I learnt that it is important to have a clear agenda and to stick to it. It is very important to have a Chairman to keep order and a Secretary to write down what everyone says.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mohamed AL-Hamadi

Hi my name is Abdulrahman. Today I’d like to introduce our classmate Mohamed. I’m going to tell you about his home, family and his free-time activities. Mohamed was born in Abu Dhabi. He has a small family. His father’s name is Hussein. His father is working in the bank. Mohamed has 2 brothers and no sisters. He lives in a villa in Airport Road. He was born on 22nd May 1991. When he has free-time he likes to do many things like playing football and play station 3 and also watching movies. His favorite team is Al-Whada. Mohamed has many favorite hobbies; he loves to swim at the Officer’s Club. He also goes fishing with his friend every weekend. Mohamed has visited many countries and cities around the world. He visited Oman and KSA in 2008 with his friend in the summer holiday. He also visited Bahrain with his family in 2009 during the spring holiday. He likes to eat both the Western and the Arabic food and some of the English food.

His ambition is to be a successful businessman, perhaps in trading.

He thinks the best thing about ADMC is the teachers because they teach you all that they can and they do their best to let you know everything.

And the worst thing is that the time of the classes is too long.

Now you know a little bit about Mohamed Hussein, his family and leisure activities